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Hellsbane (A Hellsbane Book, Book 1)

Hellsbane - Paige Cuccaro When Emma Jane finished with her last client of the she had no idea that the next person to knock on her door was about to change her life and there was no looking back. She had no idea when high school acquaintance Tommy swept across her threshold he was being tracked by deadly demons who wanted nothing more then to kill him and her.

After picking up Tommy's sword to help in the fight against a mailman/demon she inadvertently invited into her home - she is marked. After Tommy explains just what the painful marks on her arm are she embarks on an adventure that will either kill her or make her stronger.

This was a very unique story - filled with Fallen Angels, Demons, Nephilim (half angel/half human), Illorum (marked warrior's - also Nephilim) and of course Angels/Seraphim. We meet some very interesting characters!! Each has their own 'gift' that can help or hinder Emma Jane - as well as those who are very good at disguising their true selves.

I don't want to give too much away but this book is jam packed action, great characters and witty banter. There is an interesting potential 'love' triangle with Eli, Tommy and Emma Jane. Although things are shaken up with Emma Jane meets Dan! I loved learning the back stories behind the characters, how they came to be where they are and all the information on who Nephilim, the Illorum and the Fallen are.

This book is definitely a paranormal, with some urban fantasy leanings. For those who love that genre this might be a book for you!