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A Lady Never Lies
Juliana Gray
The Miracle Thief
Iris Anthony
Thrive Energy Cookbook: 150 Plant-Based Whole Food Recipes
Brendan Brazier

Art of the Chicken Coop

Art of the Chicken Coop - Chris Gleason When my hubby M and I first contemplated getting chickens we scoured the internet for coop designs and ideas. This book would have been a great thing for us a couple of years ago! This was a fun book, filled with great designs, concepts, ideas, chicken facts, recipes and tidbits of fun info.

For someone looking at getting chickens and need help with a coop design this is definitely a book you should check out! Now, a lot of the plans aren’t designed for cold weather which was something we had to take into account with ours – as it can get pretty darn cold here in the winter! I would have liked to have seen a few more ‘northern’ friendly ideas, but it was a great book overall!