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A Lady Never Lies
Juliana Gray
The Miracle Thief
Iris Anthony
Thrive Energy Cookbook: 150 Plant-Based Whole Food Recipes
Brendan Brazier

The "What If" Guy

The "What If" Guy - Brooke Moss Clocking her first love across the head with a heavy encyclopedia wasn't probably the best course of action for Autumn when she saw Henry for the first time. Thirteen years ago, she walked away from Henry - left him standing while she ran away from him and everything she loved. Now, after moving back to her hometown she finds him a teacher at her sons school.

Autumn and Henry don't have the most glamorous first meeting - most men would probably have run the other direction if they saw her coming his way again. The relationship between these two grows as we go through the story - they of course have their up and downs like any relationship.

I loved the characters in this story - they were normal. Autumn was an average girl - she wasn't drop dead gorgeous and was a little self conscious. She is funny, witty, smart and a very talented artist. Her and her son move home - to her small quaint hometown to start over and get back on their feet. The poor kid hates it, and doesn't fit in at his school. He's artistic like his mother and has a fondness for hats!

This was a GREAT summer read! Brooke has written a fabulous novel! I highly recommend this to everyone and anyone - it's a story everyone will love!