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Illicit Magic (1, Stella Mayweather Paranormal Series)

Illicit Magic - Camilla Chafer Stella has accidents, some could consider it clumsy but these just strike most people as odd occurrences. People are wary of Stella, keep their distance - why befriend someone who has strange and weird things always happening to them or around them? This always leaves Stella on the outside of everything and with no one to trust. When suddenly her life is in danger and the witch hunters are closing in - she has to trust Etoile and Marc to help keep her safe.

Etoile and Marc bring Stella to a remote location to help her train and learn her gift. She meets other like her - and have various gifts. While there she is caught in a love-triangle with Evan and Marc. The connection between Evan and Stella is evident right from the beginning!

This was a great start to a new series - a young woman who doesn't know what she is capable of is thrown into a life she knows nothing about. What would you do if someone was out to kill you and everyone you know!?

Stella was a great character. She's strong and funny - she's had to learn to take care of herself and not rely on anyone. This makes her a very relate-able character! I loved Stella, she had spunk and guts! She has great interaction with the other characters and the dialogue was engaging through the entire story!

I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys paranormal romance! I'm looking forward to reading Unruly Magic - book two in the series.