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A Lady Never Lies
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Blank Slate

Blank Slate - Heather Justesen This was such an incredible read - so poignant! I couldn't put this book down - I stayed up almost all night to finish this. I needed to find out what happened!

We start the story with Adrianna and Laura on a bus together sharing photos and stories - two women so similar in looks that they could easily pass for twins. Adrianna borrows Laura's phone to play a game and Laura is looking through Adrianna's photos in her wallet. They are chatting with other passengers to pass the time on a long bus ride. Suddenly they are struck by an out of control SUV and all their lives are changed. Several people are dead and Adrianna is hospitalized with major injuries including memory loss.

She wakes up confused, lost and in pain. People coming in and out faces she just can't place. A fiance she can't remember but desperately wants to. I couldn't imagine going through the pain and frustration that Adrianna went through - to not remember anything but the basics. To top it all off, she has to re-learn the piano - something she struggles with and just can't quite grasp.

Thrust into a life she can't remember, Adrianna struggles with everything. She can't quite live up to the expectations of her fiance and family. Gavin - a family friend, her brother and his wife help her try and place the memories and bits and pieces that start to come back to her. Confusing them all with stories that don't fit into Adrianna's life.

I don't want to give away too much of the story - this was a great story with well written and engaging characters. The chemistry between Gavin and Adrianna is wonderful - how they work together and build their relationship throughout all the troubles in getting Adrianna's life sorted out.

A great read for anyone who enjoys christian contemporary romance.