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Drink, Slay, Love

Drink, Slay, Love - Sarah Beth Durst I have to say this one of the most unique books I've read in a long time. Vampires & Unicorns.. not quite the combination I would have thought would work but it does!! Initially what drew me to this book was the title and the fabulous cover. Yes, I admit I'm a bit of a cover whore! I always run the risk of being disappointed when I just a book on it's cover - in this case I was definitely not!

Pearl, our heroine doesn't start out that way! She's gorgeous, evil and likes to pray on the locals for her midnight snacks. On one such night, on her evening out with her studly vampire boyfriend she runs into a unicorn - yup, you heard me a unicorn. Pointy horn and all! After being stabbed through the heart, she is dumped back on her doorstep with no memory of how she got there!

No one believes her of course, they all think she was stabbed by a vampire hunter and is trying to save face. She is miffed that no one believes her and is punished with some severe training with her boytoy vampire boyfriend. Pearl begins to show some unusual side effects from her unicorn encounter which throws her life into complete chaos.

I couldn't put this story down - I loved Pearl! She was such a great character - she grows, learns and begins to feel for her 'victims' erm I mean friends! Her relationship with Bethany and Evan is great - they don't quite seem to get all the quarks with Pearl but stay her friend despite everything. I am not going to give away anything on this story - it's a must read and I refuse to spoil it!

Anyone who loves vampires, unicorns or paranormal will LOVE this book and I highly recommend that you get your hands on a copy to read. This easily makes it into my top ten for the year and will have a permanent spot in my own personal library!