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Currently reading

A Lady Never Lies
Juliana Gray
The Miracle Thief
Iris Anthony
Thrive Energy Cookbook: 150 Plant-Based Whole Food Recipes
Brendan Brazier

FREEDOM : The Rake and the Recluse : Part One (a time travel romance) (The Rake And The Recluse : A serial novel)

FREEDOM : The Rake And The Recluse : Part One - Jenn LeBlanc When Francine left her apartment that morning for work she had no idea what was around the next bend. Suddenly after an accident she's thrust into the past and into a life and time she knows nothing about. With a brooding gorgeous man hovering over her every move, she must quickly learn to adapt and regain her lost voice.

I was thrilled when Jenn asked me to take part in the re-release of the Rake and the Recluse. The story of Gideon and Francine is so much fun and presented in such a unique format. The photos that Jenn uses to present her characters are fantastic. It's amazing to have a visual for the characters as you read what happens.

I'm looking forward to reading all the parts to this re-vamped edited version of the R & the R. I thoroughly enjoyed my first read of this book last year and will be anxiously awaiting the remaining un-released portions of the story.