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How to Entice an Earl (Ugly Ducklings)

How to Entice an Earl - Manda Collins Lady Madeline is on the hunt for information for her novel and isn’t afraid to push the boundaries of society to do that. She convinces her brother to take her along to one of the most notorious hells in London. Little does Madeline know that this night won’t be like anything she’s ever experienced.

Gresham is far from thrilled to see Lady Madeline at the hell with her brother and is even more furious to find her abandoned there when things go terribly wrong. He’s not sure what to think of her, she’s outspoken, she’s adventurous, she’s a writer and doesn’t really care what people think about her – and he feels the need to protect her.

I’m really sad to see this series end! I have really enjoyed seeing how the three friends have found their husbands and their happily ever afters. One of the things I really enjoyed about Manda’s series is the combination of intrigue, scandal, mystery, adventure and romance. Each of the ducklings has quite the adventure to find what they are looking for.

Would I recommend this book? Yes! I really like Manda’s writing style and her characters. I’d love to see more on some of the secondary characters – like Amelia and what happens to her. She’s the ‘bully’ who likes to make things more difficult for the girls and I’m curious where she ends up! Would I read more by this author? In a heart beat!