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The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires

The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires - Molly Harper A couple of weeks ago I stumbled onto the Cocktail Society Book Club when I met Shannon from “Cocktails and Books”. I’d seen Molly Harper’s new book around the blog-land a couple of times, but didn’t really look into it until I joined the CSBC. Boy am I glad I did!

I picked up both “Driving Mr. Dead” and “The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires”. While DMD is technically the first book in the “Half Moon Hollow” series, TCFSV actually takes place first. We meet Iris, who runs a service for Vampires to take care of their day time needs while they sleep.

Iris keeps herself at a distance from her clients, making sure to be in and out of their homes before their wake up as dusk. When she drop off some contracts at a new clients home, she accidently stumbles over him – literally. Her newest client is unconscious on the kitchen floor!

I loved the interaction between Iris and Cal. They have quite the chemistry although they are both fighting it. I loved the witty banter between them and the sexual tension. Cal’s gruff and unfriendly attitude keep Iris on her toes, and she keeps him equally unbalanced!

Cal is determined to find out who poisoned him and why; he recruits Irish to help him and go places he can’t. Despite the potential danger, Iris agrees. These two manage to get into all sorts of trouble and tangled up in some nasty business. Can he figure out what’s going on before Iris or her sister get hurt in the process?

Will I recommend this book? Most definitely. I really enjoyed Molly’s writing style and picked up her Naked Werewolf series as soon as I finished this book, as well I added her Jane Jameson books to my wish-list! Will I read mo00re by this author? Yes, yes, yes!