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Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl - Kellie Coates Gilbert Barrie’s life is about to be completely turns upside down and nothing can prepare her for the devastation and pain her family is about to go through. The mother of two, wife, and friend – she feels like an outcast when she stands up for her daughter amid the chaos.

It is so hard to put into words how this book made me feel. It was an emotional rollercoaster that had me bawling me eyes out and wishing I could give Barrie a big hug. The synopsis says the story is emotionally riveting and profoundly moving – that is an understatement.

Nothing prepared me for the depths this story delves into. The pain, emotions and the things a parent will do to protect their child. How things can change so quickly in life, and how it can take our breaths away. This story shows just how precious every moment can be.

Would I recommend this book? Most definitely. BUT keep tissues close by… this is such an emotional story you need them! Kellie’s writing style is fabulous, she kept me glued through out the story. Would I read more by this author? Yes.