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Between a Rock and a Mad Woman

Between a Rock and a Mad Woman - Stephanie Queen Madeline is sexy and brilliant - an amazing combination, that everyone seems to underestimate. A published author with a PhD seems to put most men off, except Peter. The one man she is trying to keep her distance from! Running mates in the election for Governor, and exes... can they keep personal and private separate? Or will it be the undoing of both of them?

I really really enjoyed this book. Madeline is probably one of my favorite characters, she's smart, and keeps the men around her on their toes. She isn't afraid to go for what she wants in life, and isn't willing to take a backseat when it comes to politics. While this does get her into a bit of trouble, she sticks to her guns!

While this book had a lot of political chat and information I didn't feel overwhelmed by it, which was great! Sometimes in books like this you feel like you're bombarded with technical information and have a hard time grasping at what is going on.

I loved the "relationship" between Madeline and Peter. They had some great banter, which made the story all the more entertaining. Everything flowed nicely, you didn't feel a drag in the story. The secondary characters were funny and engaging. All and all this was a fantastic read and I will definitely be picking up more by this author.

For someone who loves a great contemporary romance, this is definitely one you should pick up!