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Byzantine Gold (Dangerous Waters)

Byzantine Gold (Dangerous Waters) - Chris Karlsen We meet up once again with archaeologist Charlotte and her boyfriend/lover Atakan; who we meet in “Golden Chariot”. These two managed to get into all sorts of trouble in the first book and I wasn’t surprised at all that they have returned to cause more!

An attempt on Atakan’s life in Paris has Charlotte worried about their upcoming dig on Cyprus. An old nemesis is following them and putting their lives at risk. Determined to keep with the plan and schedule, Atakan reassures Charlotte that they will be safe at the dig with old friends and lots of security.

We have several stories intertwined in this book, all leading to the dig and our two main characters – who manage to get wrapped up in all sorts of trouble; once again! I don’t want to give away much detail, as even the smallest thing in these types of books could ruin the story for someone! Be prepared for action, adventure, mystery, treasures, bad guys, and of course a touch of romance!

Would I recommend this book? Yes! Although I would make sure to have read “Golden Chariot” before digging into this one to get some background on the characters and what happens with Tischenko. This is a great book for readers who enjoy authors like Clive Cussler, Dan Brown, Andy McDermott and more. Would I read more by this author? Most definitely.